Tatiana Mahoney

September 12, 2018

Category: Central Office | External Affairs

Prior to joining Inwood Academy in 2018, Tatiana worked for Operation Exodus, a nonprofit that provides children with tutoring and faith-based mentoring. For eleven years, she helped to ensure that every Operation Exodus family received support based on their individual needs, to empower them to become positive role models at home and strong advocates for their children at school. She served as the Chair for the English as New Language Committee for the Community Education Council at District 6, worked for CBS News as a web producer, and at Parents Magazine as an assistant editor.  As an immigrant from Columbia, Tatiana was an English Language Learner at nineteen and can relate to the challenges students and their families face when they come to this country willing to excel yet unable to communicate.  She lives in Washington Heights with her husband Matt and their children, Lily, Patrick and Matteo.

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