Garden Growers

By: Christina Reyes, Founder & Executive Director
March 18, 2016

One of my goals is to ensure the school engages all students and to help us achieve this we use personalized learning strategies and integrating technology into the classroom. The result, Inwood Academy is creating learners—children who are engaged and thriving in a learning environment. Another means to achieving my goal is to partner with community organizations that provide unique learning experiences for our students.

It is community partners like the New York Restoration Project (NYRP) who are providing a vital role in helping us to educate the students at Inwood Academy. They invited us to participate in their Gardens Grower Program.

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Last week, the Education Team at the NYRP joined our fifth grade students. They learned about the benefits of growing their own food, soil, and harvesting. Math and science, along with the art of seeding, were used throughout the class.

Our students will meet with the NYRP team a few times a month in our backyard, Swindler Cove in Sherman Creek Park. There, they will transplant the crops they started last week, explore the five distinct habitats represented in the park, and at the end May harvest their onions and eggplant.

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To view more photographs, see NYRP Garden Growers photo album on our school’s Flickr page.

To stay tuned on our Garden Growers, join us on Inwood Academy’s Facebook page.

To learn about how Harvard, Microsoft, and Columbia University recently supported our students, read our Harvard University’s CS50 and The Joy and Wonder of being a Medical Student blog posts.

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